Tests the moderated paragraphed content.
public function testModeratedParagraphedContent() {
$session = $this
$page = $session
$assert_session = $this
// Create a library item.
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1');
$dropbutton_paragraphs = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#edit-paragraphs-add-more .dropbutton-arrow');
$add_text_paragraph = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#paragraphs-text-add-more');
$textfield = $assert_session
->waitForElement('css', 'input[name="paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]"]');
->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Library item text 1');
// Ensure it is saved as Draft by default.
->optionExists('moderation_state[0][state]', 'draft');
$moderation_select = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'select[name="moderation_state[0][state]"]');
->assertEquals('draft', $moderation_select
->pageTextContains('Paragraph Library item 1 has been created.');
// Double-check it was saved as draft.
$library_item = $this
->getLastEntityOfType('paragraphs_library_item', TRUE);
->assertEquals('draft', $library_item->moderation_state->value);
$library_item_id = $library_item
// Make sure the content moderation control extra field is rendered in the
// default view display of this library item.
->elementExists('css', '#content-moderation-entity-moderation-form');
// Create a host node, also as a draft.
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1');
$add_from_library_button = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs_from_library_add_more"]');
$button = $assert_session
->waitForButton('Select reusable paragraph');
$modal = $assert_session
->waitForElement('css', '.ui-dialog');
->pageTextContains('Library item 1');
// Select the first item from the library and accept.
$first_row_checkbox = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '.view-content tbody tr:nth-child(1) input');
->pressButton('Select reusable paragraph');
// Make sure the content moderation control extra field is not rendered in
// the summary viewmode of the library item.
->elementExists('css', '#edit-field-paragraphs-wrapper .rendered-entity');
->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-field-paragraphs-wrapper .rendered-entity #content-moderation-entity-moderation-form');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'draft');
->pageTextContains('paragraphed_moderated_test Host page 1 has been created.');
$host_node = $this
->getLastEntityOfType('node', TRUE);
$host_node_id = $host_node
->access('view', $this->visitorUser));
// Create some new revisions of the host entity.
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1 (rev 2)');
$dropbutton_paragraphs = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#edit-field-paragraphs-wrapper .dropbutton-wrapper .dropbutton-arrow');
$add_text_paragraph = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs_text_add_more"]');
$textfield = $assert_session
->waitForElement('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs[1][subform][field_text][0][value]"]');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[1][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Direct paragraph text 2');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->clickLink('Revision information');
->find('css', 'a[href="#edit-revision-information"]')
->fillField('revision_log[0][value]', 'Node revision #2 - This is a special version!');
->pageTextContains('paragraphed_moderated_test Host page 1 (rev 2) has been updated.');
// Admin users can see both paragraphs.
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Normal users should see paragraph 2 (direct) but not 1 (from library).
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text 1');
// Create another revision by changing the direct paragraphs.
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1 (rev 3)');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[1][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
$dropbutton_paragraphs = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#edit-field-paragraphs-wrapper .dropbutton-wrapper .dropbutton-arrow');
$add_text_paragraph = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs_text_add_more"]');
$textfield = $assert_session
->waitForElement('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs[2][subform][field_text][0][value]"]');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[2][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Direct paragraph text 3');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->find('css', 'a[href="#edit-revision-information"]')
->fillField('revision_log[0][value]', 'Node revision #3');
->pageTextContains('paragraphed_moderated_test Host page 1 (rev 3) has been updated.');
// Admin users can see all paragraphs.
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Normal users should see only the direct paragraphs.
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text 1');
// If we publish the library item, then it becomes visible immediately.
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1 (rev 2)');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Do the same with some forward revisions.
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1 (rev 4)');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[1][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Direct paragraph text 2 modified again');
$row = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#field-paragraphs-add-more-wrapper tr.draggable:nth-of-type(3)');
$dropdown = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '.paragraphs-dropdown', $row);
$paragraph3_remove_button = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs_2_remove"]');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'draft');
->find('css', 'a[href="#edit-revision-information"]')
->fillField('revision_log[0][value]', 'Node revision #4');
// The admin is currently at /node/*/latest.
->getCurrentUrl(), "/node/{$host_node_id}/latest") !== FALSE);
->pageTextContains('paragraphed_moderated_test Host page 1 (rev 4) has been updated.');
// The admin user should be seeing the latest, forward-revision.
->pageTextNotContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified again');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// If the admin goes to the normal node page, the default revision should be
// shown.
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Non-admins should also see the default revision.
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Release the last revision and make sure non-admins see what is expected.
// Use the content_moderation_control widget to make this transition.
->selectFieldOption('new_state', 'published');
$content_moderation_apply_button = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#content-moderation-entity-moderation-form input[value="Apply"]');
->pageTextContains('The moderation state has been updated.');
->pageTextNotContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified again');
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Roll-back to a previous revision of the host node.
$table = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'table');
$target_row = $this
->getTableRowWithText($table, '- This is a special version!');
->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to revert to the revision from');
->pageTextContains(' has been reverted to the revision from ');
$title_element = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'h1.page-title');
->assertEquals('Host page 1 (rev 2)', $title_element
->pageTextNotContains('Direct paragraph text 3');
->pageTextContains('Direct paragraph text 2');
->pageTextNotContains('Direct paragraph text 2 modified');
// The library item is now published, so it should show up, despite the fact
// that when this node revision was created it was not visible.
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
// Test some forward-revisions of the library item itself.
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1 (rev 3)');
// Make some modifications on this item and save it as draft.
->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Library item text - Unapproved version');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'draft');
// Normal users should see the default version (non-forward).
->pageTextContains('Library item text 1');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Unapproved version');
// Publish the forward-version and the node should reflect that immediately.
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1 (rev 4)');
->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Library item text - Approved version');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text 1');
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Approved version');
// Test some editorial workflow with the editor user as well.
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1 (rev 5)');
->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Library item text - Draft created by editor');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'draft');
->pageTextContains('Paragraph Library item 1 (rev 5) has been updated.');
// The editor can see the unpublished text rendered in the library.
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
// Visitors however only see the published version.
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
// The editor can edit the host node.
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1 (rev 6)');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->find('css', 'a[href="#edit-revision-information"]')
->fillField('revision_log[0][value]', 'Node revision #6');
->pageTextContains('paragraphed_moderated_test Host page 1 (rev 6) has been updated.');
// The editor still sees only the published paragraph inside the node.
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
// @todo Investigate why this is necessary. If we don't clear caches here,
// the form will load with the old value and save it again.
// Remove when https://www.drupal.org/node/2951441 is solved.
// If the editor publishes the paragraph item, the new text shows up.
->fieldValueEquals('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Library item text - Draft created by editor');
->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Library item 1 (rev 6)');
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'published');
->pageTextContains('Paragraph Library item 1 (rev 6) has been updated.');
// We should still see the same texts in the library preview.
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
// But now the node should reflect the changes as well.
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
->pageTextNotContains('Library item text - Approved version');
->pageTextContains('Library item text - Draft created by editor');
// By this point in the test we should have created a certain number of
// node and library item revisions. Make sure the expected counts match.
$nodes = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->getKey('id'), $host_node
->assertEquals(7, count($nodes));
$library_items = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->getKey('id'), $library_item
->assertEquals(6, count($library_items));
// Assert that Paragraph types cannot be selected in the UI.
->drupalGet('admin/config/workflow/workflows/manage/' . $this->workflow
->pageTextNotContains('Paragraph types');
->pageTextContains('Content types');
->elementNotExists('css', 'a[href$="' . $this->workflow
->id() . '/type/paragraph"]');
->elementExists('css', 'a[href$="' . $this->workflow
->id() . '/type/node"]');
// Promote a library and assert that is published when created.
$paragraph_type = ParagraphsType::load('text');
->setThirdPartySetting('paragraphs_library', 'allow_library_conversion', TRUE);
->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Host page 1');
$dropbutton_paragraphs = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#field-paragraphs-add-more-wrapper .dropbutton-arrow');
$add_text_paragraph = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#field-paragraphs-text-add-more');
$textfield = $assert_session
->waitForElement('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]"]');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'Promoted library item');
$first_row = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#field-paragraphs-add-more-wrapper tr.draggable:nth-of-type(1)');
$dropdown = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '.paragraphs-dropdown', $first_row);
$add_above_button = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', 'input[name="field_paragraphs_0_promote_to_library"]', $first_row);
$library_item = $this
->getLastEntityOfType('paragraphs_library_item', TRUE);
->assertEquals('published', $library_item->moderation_state->value);
// Assert the unpublished indicator for library items.
->setThirdPartySetting('paragraphs_library', 'allow_library_conversion', TRUE)
$title = $assert_session
->setValue('Paragraph test');
$element = $page
->find('xpath', '//*[contains(@class, "dropbutton-toggle")]');
$button = $page
->findButton('Add text');
->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ui-dialog');
->fillField('field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'This is a reusable text UPDATED.');
$first_row = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '#field-paragraphs-add-more-wrapper tr.draggable:nth-of-type(1)');
$dropdown = $assert_session
->elementExists('css', '.paragraphs-dropdown', $first_row);
->pressButton('Promote to library');
// New library items are published by default.
$status_icon = $page
->find('css', '.paragraph-formatter.paragraphs-icon-view');
// Archive the library item and assert there is a unpublished icon.
$edit_button = $page
->find('css', 'input[name^="field_reusable_paragraph_edit_button"]');
->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ui-dialog');
->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog')
->selectFieldOption('moderation_state[0][state]', 'archived');
->find('css', '.ui-dialog-buttonset button:contains("Save")')
$status_icon = $page
->find('css', '.paragraphs-icon-view');